Giacomo Longo
“Jesus Chorou”
Location: BRASIL
This photographic project was realized in the city of São Luís (Brazil), in one of FUNAC’s juvenile detention units. Since 1990, the formation and birth of the statute, has given way to a real change in perspective towards minors, who began to be considered as entitled citizens, subject to differentiated, specialized and integral protection. My intention was to stimulate a meanignful reflection on the dense web of meanings that signs like scars and tatoos represent in their lives. Their lives are marked by values such as money, a certain model of masculinity, faith in God and the wounds that mark their bodies are indelible marks of a memory that develops dreams, desires, suffering, violence and finally common imaginaries. Jesus Chorou is the title of the famous song by the Brazilian HipHop group Racionais Mc’s that was one of the main elements of unity among the young inmates, whose bodies seem to be fragmented but are in the end united in a multiple coexistance.
Via Barbarigo 83
TUE, WED 10.OO – 12.00
THU 16.30-18.00
FRI 10.00-12.00 & 16.30-18.00
SAT, 16.30-18.30