MARTINA MORINI “ALIEN” “Alien” è un progetto nato nella primavera del 2020 quando mi accorgo che la pianta di fico del mio giardino non fiorisce e che al contrario deperisce velocemente. Un insetto alieno la sta divorando: il punteruolo nero del fico...
SGUARDI PLURALI FINALISTI Location: ITALIA Sguardi Plurali è un progetto ideato da FIERI, che dal 2001 si occupa di studiare i fenomeni migratori attraverso un approccio interdisciplinare, e promosso insieme a CSC Carbonia della Società Umanitaria – La Fabbrica del...
YARIN TROTTA DEL VECCHIO “NISIDA” Location: ITALIA The conversion of punishment into suspended sentences has been one of the key moments in the evolution of criminal systems. Since then, the re-education of the individual has imposed on its soul through the...
VITO FUSCO “The killing daisy” Location: KENYA The “flower of death” is a bold oxymoron. We are talking about the pyrethrum: a flower belonging to the asteraceae family, used for centuries as a natural insecticide. Pyrethrin, a substance which is found naturally in...
VALENTINA SPAGNULO “TARAS” Location: Italia When Italsider was inaugurated in Taranto in 1965, there was an air of enthusiasm and progress for an area that was readily accepting industrial production Some even believed that by suffering the pollution of the factory,...
LUCA SANTINI, MATTEO NATALUCCI “BLUE” Location: Italia Emilia Romagna is a flat region in northern Italy, where most of the Italian excellences of salami and cheeses famous all over the world come from. 8,704,544 is the number of pigs present in June 2018 in Italian...
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