Come Onde del Mare – Emergency

Come Onde del Mare – Emergency

CATTEDRALE EX MACELLO VIA ALVISE CORNARO 1 TUE to SUN 10 A.M. – 7 P.M. emergency “come onde del mare” Location: VARIOUS Like waves on the sea tells the story of EMERGENCY’s ship Life Support and its first year of search and rescue missions out on the...
Eyewitness – Manoocher Deghati

Eyewitness – Manoocher Deghati

PALAZZO DELLA GRAN GUARDIA PIAZZA DEI SIGNORI TUE to SUN 10 A.M. – 7 A.M. Manoocher Deghati “Eyewitness” Location: VARIOUS Manoocher Deghati has been photographing news, conflicts and social issues around the globe since 1978, starting with the...
The Conquered Land – Greg Marinovich

The Conquered Land – Greg Marinovich

GALLERIA CAVOUR PIAZZA CAVOUR BIGLIETTERIA TUE to SUN 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Greg Marinovich “THE CONQUERED LAND” Location: LESOTHO The border lands that encircle Lesotho like a crescent moon from the west are known as the Conquered Land, lost to the...
Limes, Boundary Stories – Francesco Pistilli

Limes, Boundary Stories – Francesco Pistilli

CATTEDRALE EX MACELLO VIA ALVISE CORNARO 1 BIGLIETTERIA TUE to SUN 10 A.M. – 7 P.M. FRANCESCO PISTILLI “Limes, Boundary Stories” Location: VARIOUS Limes is a narrative thread woven with stories, borders and endless crossings. On one side, it unravels...
Zor – Selene Magnolia Gatti 

Zor – Selene Magnolia Gatti 

EX SCUDERIE PALAZZO MORONI VIA DEL MUNICIPIO 1 TUE to SUN 10 A.M. – 7 P.M. Selene Magnolia Gatti “ZOR” Location: BULGARIA In today’s Europe, increasingly marked by social tensions and hostility towards the different, forms of discrimination and...
He’s Come a Long Way That’s My Boy – Francesco Merlini 

He’s Come a Long Way That’s My Boy – Francesco Merlini 

CATTEDRALE EX MACELLO VIA ALVISE CORNARO 1 BIGLIETTERIA TUE to SUN 10 A.M. – 7 P.M. Francesco Merlini “He’s Come a Long Way That’s My Boy” Location: USA Ten, nine, eight – the electrified crowd chants in chorus – seven, six, five, four,...