Location: Italia
When Italsider was inaugurated in Taranto in 1965, there was an air of enthusiasm and progress for an area that was readily accepting industrial production Some even believed that by suffering the pollution of the factory, they would gradually become immunized. Decades later we can now see that the disease and mortality rate goes hand in hand with production. In the course of its contradictory existence, the steel mill has left behind pollution of soil, air and aquifers that have caused repercussions at different levels. Starting with farmers, breeders and mussel farmers who have had to downsize or change their work because of the dioxin levels found in their products; passing through the inhabitants of the Tamburi district, which is the closest to the plant and the most affected by pollution. Finishing with the workers, forced to work in a hostile environment, which has often also been the site of accidents, sometimes even fatal. Over the years it emerges that through the “Save-Ilva” decrees the city of Taranto has found itself losing its historical and cultural value in favor of economic interest.
Valentina Spagnulo nasce a Grottaglie nel 1998 e presto si rende conto che il suo interesse volge verso l’attualità e il giornalismo. Nel 2019 frequenta il biennio in Fotografia e Comunicazione Visiva della scuola Spaziotempo specializzandosi nell’indirizzo documentarista. Nel 2021 con Taras vince il terzo posto nel concorso fotografico ‘The Human Ambient’ all’interno del festival Matera Art International Film Festival. Nella sua ricerca artistica Valentina utilizza altri mezzi oltre alla fotografia, come audio, testi e video affinché possano portare ad una fedele indagine sui temi trattati.
Via Zabarella 80
da LUN a SAB